Portrait of Thelma, a Lady at 80
I am a fulltime mommy and part-time crafter/artist/illustrator. I love creating whether it is with a paintbrush and canvas, or needle and thread. I find great satisfaction in creating something new. I hope that you like what you see. My artwork can be purchased at my etsy marketplace: www.etsy.com/shop/leafytreetop.
Cool work.
I thought this was the "Where's the beef?" lady. Wasn't that during the 80"s?
coool character!
she looks very huggable!
Excelent, good watercolor and thecnique
I love her nose! great work!
Hi Tricia. How's it going? Are you having fun in Digital Illustration. I like your 80's lady. :)
Ha! i like this one!
Great face! Love this design.
This is a great character. And I like the watercolor work. If I had complaints, it's in the hair. The lines get a little heavy and the shapes a little monotonous. Overall though, I like this.
I like the curlers and the line work. I wonder about the about the thikness of the line around the nose. It might be too thick. I really like the personality of this lady, she looks like fun.
I'm down with the lines in the hair and the nose. I think this is a nice illustration. I think there could be more going on, it's almost a head-character study.
If you or anyone in your class thinks I'm too harsh with these tell them they are more than welcome to critique my stuff on my blog.
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